Whether you’re a large corporation, a local business or an individual, we want to work with you.

We’re always looking to partner with individuals and organizations that share our values and have interest in the intersection between the LGBTQIA2+  community and athletics. Partnering with International Pride Softball puts your brand in front of more than 18,000 active players, 1,000 teams, 55 member city markets and more than 40,000 members on our distribution list from across Canada and the United States.

With consistent growth for the last 46 years, International Pride Softball’s rapidly expanding membership is comprised of a diverse group of consumers who are influential and possess disposable income. Our members work in a variety of industries and in businesses ranging from Fortune 100 companies to private start up ventures.

Whether they’re doctors or teachers, consultants or construction workers, lawyers or sales associates, accountants or engineers, our members care about the communities in which they live. They are actively involved in giving back through donations of their time and money. They’re investing in businesses that are investing in their communities.

Do we sound like a good fit for you or your organization?

Then what are you waiting for? Fill out the form below to explore our partnership possibilities further.LGBTQIA2+